WP Ghost Whitelist

What is IP Whitelisting?

IP whitelisting is a security measure used to control access to a website or network by allowing only specific IP addresses to connect

Essentially, it’s like creating a VIP list for your network, where only approved IP addresses are granted access while all others are blocked

How to Use Whitelist IP Addresses with WP Ghost

WP Ghost offers comprehensive whitelisting options, allowing you to customize access and visibility based on specific IP addresses and paths.

How to Use Whitelist IP Addresses with WP Ghost

Here’s what you can do:

Whitelist IP Addresses: Add individual IP addresses or IP ranges to ensure they are never blocked.

Whitelist Paths: Specify particular website paths that should always be accessible.

Whitelist Level

  • Allow Hidden Paths: Display only the hidden paths in the source code for whitelisted IP addresses.
  • Show Default WordPress Paths & Allow Hidden Paths: The source code for whitelisted IP addresses should display both hidden paths and default WordPress paths.
  • Allow Everything: Grant full access with default paths, without security checks, without keys and mouse restrictions, and without hidden paths for the specified IP addresses.
Whitelisting Level

Whitelist IP Addresses

If you want to ensure that specific IP addresses, such as your own or those of your team members, are never blocked even after multiple failed login attempts, you can add these IPs to the whitelist. This can prevent accidental lockouts and ensure smoother access for trusted users.

If you want to whitelist an entire IP class, you can enter an IP address range like 192.168.0.*, 192.168.*.*, or even 192.*.*.*.*.

Whitelist IP Addresses

Whitelist Paths

The Whitelist Paths feature in WP Ghost is a powerful tool that allows website administrators to specify specific root paths and subpaths that can be accessed.

For example, by setting the path /cart/ as a whitelisted path, any URL that begins with /cart/ will be accessible.

This path is useful for e-commerce websites, membership sites, or any platform requiring differentiated access levels for various site sections.

Defining specific root paths and subpaths gives administrators precise control over which areas of the website are accessible. This is particularly beneficial for websites with multiple user roles and access levels.

Whitelist Paths