Using an Open-Source CMS with open-source plugins and themes makes it difficult to prevent all hack attacks on your WordPress site.

Many plugin authors don’t know how to secure their products completely, and the same is true of theme authors.

Prevent Hack Attacks

Fortunately, there are security plugins that are built to help you protect your website and prevent hack attacks. Some are popular on WordPress: Wordfence, Solid Security, Shield Security, etc.

Most of these plugins work to identify if your website has already been hacked, but it’s also important to add a layer on your WordPress site to proactively stop a virus.

The best and most straightforward way to prevent hacks is to secure plugins and themes by changing and hiding all their known vulnerable paths. To do this, you need the WP Ghost plugin, which prevents attacks before they reach the website.

WP Ghost works with other security plugins and hides the paths from hackers’ bots, stopping all Script and SQL injections.