If forms like contact or comments that are using Ajax to submit the values are not working correctly, follow these steps:
Clear all cache
If you have a cache plugin or use server caching, clear all the cache, as the change of paths has significantly changed the website’s structure.
Run a Frontend Test
Go to WP Ghost > Change Paths, click the Frontend Test button (on the sidebar) and follow the server configuration instructions, if any.

Permalink settings
Go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Settings > Permalinks, and click Save Changes to refresh the permalinks. This action can sometimes help resolve issues related to URL structures.

Plugin compatibility
Deactivate the other plugins and check if the website works correctly. If it works, activate the other plugins one by one to identify the one that is not working correctly with the custom admin-ajax.php path.
Revert changes
Temporarily revert to the original admin-ajax.php path to determine if the path change is the cause of the issue.