If you get any errors when saving the post or page in WordPress dashboard, follow these steps:
Clear all cache
If you have a cache plugin or use server caching, clear all the cache, as the change of paths has significantly changed the website’s structure.
Run a Frontend Test
Go to WP Ghost > Change Paths, click the Frontend Test button (on the sidebar), and follow the server configuration instructions, if any.

Permalink settings
Go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Settings > Permalinks, and click Save Changes to refresh the permalinks. This action can sometimes help resolve issues related to URL structures.

Relogin to admin
If you also changed the wp-admin path together with the admin-ajax.php path, you need to log out and log in to your website to access the new admin path properly.
Revert changes
Temporarily revert to the original admin-ajax.php path to determine if the path change is the cause of the issue.