If images and media files are not rendering properly, follow these steps:

Clear all cache

If you have a cache plugin or use server caching, clear all the cache, as the change of paths has significantly changed the website’s structure.

Run a Frontend Test

Go to WP Ghost > Change Paths, click on the Frontend Test button (on the sidebar) and follow the server configuration instructions, if any.

Frontend test fail
Use relative paths

If you encounter an error when changing media URLs from relative to absolute paths, switch off the option WP Ghost > Tweaks > Change Options > Change Relative URLs to Absolute URLs.

Change relative paths to absolute paths
Show old image paths

Remove MEDIA Files from WP Ghost > Change Paths > WP Core Security > Hide WordPress Common Paths > Hide File Extensions if an error occurs while hiding the old media URLs.

Check file paths

Use a different browser to confirm that the paths to your media files in your frontend content are updated to reflect the new wp-content path.

Plugin compatibility

Deactivate the other plugins and check if the website works correctly. If it works, activate the other plugins one by one to identify the one that is not working correctly with the custom wp-content path.