Remove Generator Meta WordPress

Generator METAs are usually used to point to the authors of the services used inside a website. Lately, more and more WordPress plugin authors are adding their generator METAs in the source code. The WordPress generator meta looks like this: <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress 6.*.*” /> To remove the Generator META from WordPress, use WP Ghost […]

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Customize WordPress Uploads Directory

The easiest way to change the default media uploads path is to use the WP Ghost plugin.

Once installed, this plugin allows you to easily change the default media directory to any path you like.

For example, your current media uploads path may look like this: Using this plugin, you can customize it to

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What WP Ghost Can’t Do

To prevent admin functionality errors, WP Ghost can’t hide the admin URLs from the dashboard once you are logged in as an Administrator.

Once you log in as an Administrator, you don’t need to hide wp-admin. This will ensure you won’t be locked out once you deactivate the WP Ghost plugin and roll back to default paths.

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Hide WordPress Website From BuiltWith

WP Ghost is designed to ensure perfect protection against hackers around the world. Note that BuiltWith is a popular platform that provides hackers with information about which platform a particular website is running so that they can plan their destructive activities.

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